A Very Full House...

The Remarkable Family of Tandy and Grace Brown

Mike Brown has graciously offered to be the Brown Family Blogger! He will attempt to take up where Dolfe left off with the Plain Brown Rappers, keeping us up to date. If you would like to contribute or comment on the blog, please go to tandyandgrace.tumblr.com and click on the "Submit" button in the upper left corner. You will need to enter your name and email in order to comment. You can also ask Mike a question by clicking on "Ask me anything" in the same area. If you want to include a picture, you do that by clicking the pulldown menu in the toolbar where it says "Text", selecting "Photo" and dragging your photo into the box. Add your text in the "Caption" box. Please let us know what is going on with you and your family! If you click on a photo in the blog, you can see it full size. As a side note, please identify which branch (i.e.sibling) you are connected to--some of us have a hard time keeping it all straight!

On April 25, 2013, Bob and Nancy Treadway celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary.  Their children, Mary Ann and Matt, hosted a gathering at the Treadway home in Cheyenne.  There was a large crowd of family and friends in attendance to enjoy the great food and conversation.   

Dolfe and Bob Van Alyne celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on November 24, 2011, with their son Roger and his family in northern Nevada.  They then travelled to northeastern Washington for a second celebration with their son Rodney and his family.  Dolfe and Bob are the proud  parents of 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.  They live in Cheyenne in their home of 50+ years.

This is great, our children and grandchildren will love the family history and who Grandmother Beardslee’s family were and are. I will start getting photos of Mom (Vivian) and Dad out to load in the appropriate boxes.

Bob (eldest grandchild of Tandy and Grace) Beardslee 

Austin, Tx

Hi Uncle Mike–

Let’s try this again!  This is a test post containing a photo of Audrey and Devon.

Your friendly webmaster, Laurie Brown

Happy Anniversary

I forgot to add that several of our grandchildren and nieces helped with the reception.  We are eternally grateful for all they did.

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