A Very Full House...

The Remarkable Family of Tandy and Grace Brown

Mike Brown has graciously offered to be the Brown Family Blogger! He will attempt to take up where Dolfe left off with the Plain Brown Rappers, keeping us up to date. If you would like to contribute or comment on the blog, please go to tandyandgrace.tumblr.com and click on the "Submit" button in the upper left corner. You will need to enter your name and email in order to comment. You can also ask Mike a question by clicking on "Ask me anything" in the same area. If you want to include a picture, you do that by clicking the pulldown menu in the toolbar where it says "Text", selecting "Photo" and dragging your photo into the box. Add your text in the "Caption" box. Please let us know what is going on with you and your family! If you click on a photo in the blog, you can see it full size. As a side note, please identify which branch (i.e.sibling) you are connected to--some of us have a hard time keeping it all straight!

On November 25, 2011, Mike and Nanette Brown celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  A celebration mass was held in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Cheyenne, the same church in which they were married.  Following the ceremony their two daughters, Amy Johnston and Jeni Hill, hosted a reception at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Buckle Club.  Many of Mike and Nanette’s family and friends were on hand to join them.

The beginning

This is the first of, hopefully, many posts by descendants of Tandy and Grace Brown.  This blog is designed to be a successor to the “Plain Brown Rapper” created by Dolfe Brown Van Alyne.  As the number of generations and descendants  has grown the ability of one person to keep track of everyone has become extremely difficult, if not impossible.  With this blog, family members can post their own updates that will be available to others in the family. I hope you all feel welcome to keep us updated on your and your immediate family’s activities.

Your blogger, “Uncle” Mike Brown (the youngest of the original 17)

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